2014年12月28日 星期日

Budapast 地鐵票券說明

Budapast 地鐵票券說明:


Short Selection Metro Ticket for Up to 3 Stops : HUF 300
Valid on the metro for one short trip of up to 3 stops for 30 minutes after validation. Trip interruptions and return trips are not permitted. During the time of validity changes are allowed between lines on the metro and underground network (M1, M2 and M3) but only for 3 stops altogether (i.e. 3, 2+1 or 1+2 stops). Please present and hand your ticket over if requested by the inspector. Non-refundable.

Single Ticket : HUF 350
Valid for one uninterrupted trip without change on the whole length of lines 1-299, 900-999, M1, M2, M3 as well as on lines H5, H6, H7, H8, H9 but within the administrative boundaries of Budapest only. During the time of validity changes are allowed between lines on the metro and underground network (M1, M2 and M3). Trip interruptions and return trips are not permitted. On the metro lines the ticket must be validated before the start of the trip; on other vehicles immediately after boarding or after the vehicle has departed. Validity period is 80 minutes after stamping; it is 120 minutes on night services. Please present and hand your ticket over if requested by the inspector. Non-refundable.

Transfer Ticket : HUF 530
Valid for one trip with one change on the whole length of lines 1-299, 900-999, M1, M2, M3 as well as on lines H5, H6, H7, H8, H9 but within the administrative boundaries of Budapest only. Trip interruptions – other than changes – and return trips are not permitted. The ticket must be validated at the printed number grids at either end: first when starting a trip at one end and at the other end when changing, with the exception of changes between metro lines (M1, M2 and M3). When validated by a stamping machine, the total validity period is 100 minutes (on night services it is 120 minutes), with a 80-minute validity after the second stamping. When the second validation takes place at the entrance of a metro station, the validity is for 80 minutes even if the whole trip exceeds 100 minutes. When the second validation takes place on the night service, validity is extended with an additional 120 minutes. Please present and hand your ticket over if requested by the inspector. Non-refundable.

Budapest 24-hour TravelCard  : HUF 1650

Valid for 24 hours from the indicated date and time (month, day, hour, minute) for an unlimited number of trips within the administrative boundaries of Budapest on lines 1-299, 900-999, M1, M2, M3, H5, H6, H7, H8, H9, on commute services of MÁV national railways and VOLÁNBUSZ regional buses and boat services D11, D12, D13 on workdays only. Please present and hand your travelcard over if requested by the inspector. Advance purchase is possible. The travelcard is not refundable after the beginning of validity.

Budapast 地鐵路線圖


2014年12月23日 星期二



Royal Park Boutique Hotel
Budapest, Nefelejcs utca 6, 1078

2014年12月20日 星期六



單程票          2.2 E
24小時票      7.6 E
48小時票     13.3 E
72小時票     16.5 E
週票             16.2 E

2014年12月15日 星期一

2014年12月10日 星期三

[轉錄] 奧捷自助行程參考

DAY1:阿聯酋航空Emirates (桃園機場→杜拜 & 杜拜→布拉格)

DAY2布拉格機場→布拉格新城區(Náměstí Míru→國家博物館→瓦次拉夫廣場)→Restaurace Černý baron晚餐→Royal Bellezza Apartments公寓酒店

DAY3:Royal Bellezza Apartments公寓酒店早餐→布拉格舊城區(火藥塔→市民會館→Manufaktura→舊城廣場→Pizzeria Cafe Bar午餐→菠丹妮Botanicus)→布拉格猶太區(舊猶太墓園&猶太教堂)→哈維爾市集Havelské Tržiště→Kyvadlo v Jámě晚餐Royal Bellezza Apartments公寓酒店  
DAY4Paul早餐→布拉格小區(華倫史坦宮殿和花園Valdštejnský palác→小區廣場)→查理大橋→跳舞的房子CÉLESTE Restaurant午餐→布拉格城堡區(布拉格城堡→聖維特大教堂Katedrala sv. Vita→聖喬治教堂Bazilika Svatého Jiří & 玩具博物館muzeum hraček→黃金巷Zlatá ulička)→貝特辛山Petřín纜車→貝特辛觀景塔Petřín tower→Altany Kampa Restaurant晚餐→Royal Bellezza Apartments公寓酒店  
DAY5STUDENT AGENCY(布拉格→KV)→卡羅維瓦利郵局&新舊草地街→莎多溫泉迴廊Sadová kolonáda→Hotel Růže午餐→磨坊溫泉迴廊Mlýnská kolonáda→市場溫泉迴廊Market kolonáda→Diana纜車→普普大飯店下午茶→Royal Bellezza Apartments公寓酒店  
DAY6布拉格中央火車站Praha hlavní nádraží(布拉格→KH)→Brioche Dorée & BURGER KING早餐→聖母升天教堂Katedrála Nanebevzetí Panny Marie→人骨教堂Kostnice→聖芭芭拉大教堂Chrám sv. Barbory→科柏斯禮拜堂Kaple Božího těla→耶穌會學院 The Jesuit College Jezuitská kolej→Harmonia午餐→Jídelní a nápojový lístek晚餐→Royal Bellezza Apartments公寓酒店  
DAY7STUDENT AGENCY(布拉格→CK)→舊城廣場→地窖餐廳Krčma v Šatlavské ulici午餐→彩繪塔→庫倫洛夫城堡Krumlovsky Zamek→Penzion Belarie下午茶→Restaurant Don Julius晚餐→Penzion Gardena  
DAY8Shuttle-JIFI(CK→維也納)→百水公寓&百水村Hundertwasser VillageFiglmüller Bäckerstraße晚餐→zanoni & zanoni→舊城區隨逛→Hotel Mercure Wien Westbahnhof  
DAY9:維也納西火車站(維也納→Hallstatt)→Hallstatt小鎮→Bräugasthof Lobisser午餐→Prost ohne Promille下午茶→schnellimbiss&Green Restaurant→Hotel Sacher→Hotel Mercure Wien Westbahnhof  
DAY10:中央咖啡館Café Central→霍夫堡Hofburg&英雄廣場Helden-Platz→安可時鐘Ankeruhr→Ribs of Vienna午餐→納許市場Naschmarkt→普拉特公園Wiener Prater→機場巴士(維也納→杜拜)  
DAY11:杜拜機場→lapalma restaurant早餐→香料市集&黃金市集→Lahori Gate午餐→六國商城Ibn Battuta Mall→Golden Fork晚餐→Metropolitan Palace Hotel  
DAY12:阿聯酋購物中心Mall of the Emirates→帆船酒店Burj Al Arab→Al Iwan阿拉伯餐廳→杜拜購物中心Dubai Mall→哈里發塔Burj Khalifa→TGI Fridays晚餐→杜拜水舞→杜拜機場  